Project Description

2024 November 8 – December 7

“Over the past few years I have been working on an ongoing series of paintings which examine museums and institutional buildings, looking at the way art and artefacts are displayed, and how the context influences our experience of them. My paintings play with scale, interior spaces and the art objects displayed in these rooms.  Although I generally leave out people in these paintings, my depictions of the paintings and sculptures displayed in these rooms could be seen as a way of introducing the human figure into the space. There are many layers distancing us from the humanity of the figure, however, layers of historical reference and interpretation. Often the portraits on the walls, the busts on plinths, the antique casts or copies are so familiar to us, that we barely look at them anymore, and they become part of the furniture. I treat them as props in a stage set, and the paintings the staging of an inanimate performance”.